Reverend Douglas Miller

Reverend Douglas Miller
My new friends in Gbanga, Liberia

Gbarnga Theological School in Liberia

Gbarnga Theological School in Liberia
We will be teaching at the United Methodist Seminary here in Garbanga (east of Monrovia) in Liberia in May

Monday, May 24, 2010


This is Mary on the home front. Strange that Doug has very little internet access but is able to send brief text messages from a mobile phone. Not sure how he is able to do this, whose phone he is using, or how much this will cost in the end. But for those of you who are anxious to get any little word, here are the precious notes I am getting on my cell phone (edited of course). Wish we could get pictures but this is pretty impossible. Neither Doug and I text so this is a NEW thing for us. Yesterday I preached a sermon on Pentecost from 2 Cor 5:1-10 "we walk by faith not by sight." This gives a whole meaning on things for our family. (*Astericks are my comments). The team flies out of Munich on Wednesday and arrives in Charlotte on Thursday.  Please keep them in your prayers for God's traveling mercies. Blessings, Mary

Thursday, May 20:
Sorry I sent two part texts. I am great and enjoying myself. We have no internet. - Doug

Friday, May 21:
Mary, we are well. My bag came today. Good think I packed 3 changes. Food is great and not too hot. Mid 80's. -Doug

Friday, May 21:
So glad to hear an update. Preach Sunday so pray for me. -Doug

Friday, May 21: (*I asked how Doug was able to communicate home)
No phone. Peggi uses school net each day. I have no access and hardly any electric. -Doug

Friday, May 21:
Check your email. I sent a letter that cost $4. It went to my church also.-Doug

Saturday, May 22: (*I asked what the time difference was and when he preached on Sunday)
Only 4 hours ahead. I preach at 11 on Sunday. -Doug

Sunday, May 23: (*I emailed him a prayer and encouragement for preaching on Pentecost Sunday to 16 different tribes/dialects - what a Pentecost he'll never forget!)
Thank you for your prayers. I am just having breakfast. Preach at Kuoo Henry UMC on Acts 2. A DS will translate. Pray for  the DS and for God to work here. -Doug

Sunday, May 23:
Things went very well and prayers answered. The local pastor translated and the word was enthusiastically received. Many details to share by email on Mon. -Doug

Monday, May 24:
No chance for email. room is concrete with electric only from 7-7 for fans at night. No read wildlife except goat, chickens, lizards, and odd bird calls. No school w/out pay. I will deliver markers (Crayola) tomorrow (to the school).

Monday, May 24:
Bugs aren't bad. Less than NC. Very humid and hot. We are spent from 2.5 hours of prayer ministry. Many dear souls with great needs. Overwhelming requests for prayer and friendship. Leper colony, hospital and mission (visit) at Ganta was very cool. Hard trip of 60 miles (2 hours). We will finish at 11 and back to Monrovia.  Kids at mission are at our feet to get loved.

Monday, May 24: (*Our youngest daughter is in a soccer game tonight)
Cheer for Chrissy for me today. I wish I was there for her. The kids here all want hugs now. Adults don't hug at all. The kids play soccer all the time.

Wednesday, May 26:
So many needs at leaving (Gbarnga Seminary) bu so much thanksgiving. They see a Methodist model for the Holy Spirit. Safe trip to Monrovia. The a.c. worked finally in the van but not at the 12th street mission. It is much more  hot and humid - salt in the seaside air. Shopping today so pray for me. If I can get a bump in Germany I may take it.

Wednesday, May 26:
In Monrovia with safe but bumpy trip (from Gbarnga). You can't believe the crowds in the markets. We leave here at 8pm (or 4pm your time). Will spend the day shopping. You know how much I like that. No postcards and no tourist sights. This shopping trip is insane with humanity, beggars, cars, lepers, motorcycles and slums. Children working. See you soon.

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